We tried a new doctor (actually a nurse practitioner) Wednesday night. We went to Barbara Herdman in Tillamook because Clayton was kind of listless and really grumpy. He's been slowly getting over his pink eye, his eyes are still goopy though and he hasn't had much appetite. He was also really pale. I think he was partially dehydrated. It was nice to have someone listen to his lungs and heart and look in his ears (the ND doesn't even touch him...) and tell us that that all sounded and looked good. But we got sidetracked and she forgot to look in his throat. She had some good advice on how to keep his skin moisturized and told us to get creative and get liquids in him somehow, whatever he'll take. We mixed some apple juice and water with a little pedilyte and he drank some but was up all night screaming until I put some clove oil in his mouth. I was thinking allergic reaction to something he drank...but then when he woke up later I noticed that his mouth was covered in white...yep...thrush. Explains why he doesn't want to drink anything and I'm sure the sugar in the apple juice only made it worse. So I've been treating him for thrush now. We finally decided to try a little 1/2 percent cortizone cream to give him some relief (cause he's still itching) and this morning his legs are the softest they've been since this whole thing started. You could almost call it smooth soft baby skin again. He's still miserable though with other things and his skin is blotchier but not itchy.
We would appreciate prayers offered up on his behalf and ours as we still struggle with this. We're not sure what to do next or where to go from here. Erik thinks we should check out Dorhmbecker Children's Hospital and see a Pediatric Dermatologist...it sounds like a good idea but I'm still not sure. I'm not sure if I'm more scared of all the tests they might have to run or the medicines they might try to prescribe or if I'm more scared that not taking care of this will do more damage or that we're missing something serious that is causing all this. Thank you to those that are praying. God bless you.
We all have been so worried, and in prayer for clayton. I am glad you are seeking every option and searching out for the answers. If you saw a pediatric skin doctor they would be able to recognize symptoms and have a better idea whats going on because its thier specialty.I know your scared and worried, somtimes maby eaten up by worry...but you cant let the worry defeat you. I am proud of you em and erik, for all that you have been through, to keep pushing on to find answers for you precious baby. We will continue to pray that God will give the doctors wisdome and guide them in thier diagnosis. Just let me know if you need anything.. K?
We're with you.
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