Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hannah Art

Last night Hannah tripped in the kitchen while taking her dinner plate to the sink. The plate broke but she wasn't too hurt. She cried for a minute, but no blood or bruises. I think she might be an artist; within 10 minutes she was asking to color, because "I need to color Hannah in the kitchen crying and my plate." So here is her work of art. (By the way, the plate was orange, if that helps you see her artwork better.) : )


Macaroo42 said...

Save that one: it's better than most modern art, and shows quite a talent for abstract color combination.
Or maybe she got lucky. :-) Either way.....
Nicely done, Hannah! Probably proves she'll have to work out all her angst with creativity though... you're going to need a house with more wall-space.

Mama Griffith, said...

I cant believe you have a blogspot and didnt tell me! well I have my sources....and now I know where you are..hahahahahaha! Keep posting. you have one guarenteed viewer...:)

Macaroo42 said...

Make it two. :-P