Sunday, December 7, 2008


You get pictures and multiple blogs tonight because I finally uploaded pictures from my camera. I did get a picture of our stockings hanging from the framing right before we moved them to put the fireplace in, the stockings are now hanging from the bookcase. The fireplace did come on Friday and is partly installed. It is only partly installed because though the fireplace came, all of the parts did not. Erik did though cut the hole in the roof for the chimney which at this moment has plastic over it to keep the rain out. We are still hoping and praying to have a roaring fire by Christmas.


Macaroo42 said...

This is amazing! Love the bare feet. :-)

Mama Griffith, said...

its santa its santa!! wait why is santa wearing kirkland jeans and hasent he lost weight...perhaps this resession is hitting even mythical charactures. ps is it wood burning>

Michelle Dante said...

Having a fireplace is also something I have fond memories of...I have to admit, I'm a smidge on the jealous side! =O)