Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Little House on the Prairie Dress

Here is Hannah's Birthday present. I mentioned it a week ago or so but didn't want to post pictures until I got one of her in it. She actually likes it and says it's "really comfortable and I like it cause it goes almost over my feet."


Mindy said...

I love the dress!!! Now she needs a big field with tall grass to run through. Got any of those around?

Macaroo42 said...

Yea for Little House! My cousin and I used to play Mary and Laura when we were little. My Aunt used to just hope Gregory would grow out of it... He did. :-)

The Cloth Addict said...

Very cute!!

Mama Griffith, said...

daisy is into dresses that go all the way down, she and hannah must have been chatting. looks great!