Friday, January 16, 2009

Overstuffed Chair & 1/2

I've started re-covering the overstuffed arm chair I found for my living room. I did find one. It's like a chair and a half, it's quite large. I found it on craigslist. It isn't the one I blogged about earlier...the people selling that one didn't e-mail me back for about 4 days, I'm sorry, if you want to sell something make sure you check your e-mail regularly or post a phone number so people can get a hold of you!
So... after our basic handgun safety class on Sunday Erik and I drove out to this house outside of McMinnville to look at (and pick up) this chair. This house was crazy! It was in a housing development where all the lots are about 5 acres and I had to call when I was on the road leading to the house so the guy could open the gate. This house looked like a was completely encased in stone, had a tower and the front door was a huge rustic wood door that arched at the top and had iron work on the front resembling huge hinges etc. The yard (what we could see in the headlights) was landscaped with enormous boulders creating a huge rock wall and then the grass looked as if it had never seen a weed or rock. Erik being the carpenter that he is now, wryly stated that he'd like to see the finish work and I happened to notice that for all the show, the laundry "room" was still in the garage. But about the chair. I got it for $25 less than advertised and it fit in the suburban. It is now naked and waiting to be re-clothed in the gorgeous fabric from Jessie. I started trying to figure it out last night and eventually went to bed because my brain wasn't working anymore. I'm not putting it back together the way it was, I'm altering it so that I like it better and so that I have enough fabric. This is difficult being that I am a very visual person and need to see how it goes together to actually get it, trying to work it out in my head is a little more difficult. I didn't get a before picture but I'll try to get a during and after to share with you.


Macaroo42 said...

Em, thank you so much for making me a part of this!

City Girl Stuck on the Coast said...

Very cool. I really want to see it when it is all done. I love oversized chairs.